Central apparatus

Advisor to the Minister on improving the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work and ensuring compliance with legislation on the state language

Elmurodov Matnazar Aralovich

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 

E-mail: info@uznature.uz




Press Secretary – Advisor to the Minister on Information Policy

Lola Rakhmanbaeva Samigdjanovna

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 5555)

E-mail: L.Raxmanbayeva@uznature.uz








Adviser to the Chairman of the State Ecological Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Investment and Grants


Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70

Elektron pochta:


Short biography ...





Head of the Minister's Secretariat

Jumanov Utkir Karshibaevich

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 1030)

E-mail:  k.saytov@eco.gov.uz








Department for the preparation of legal documents and analytical materials


Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70

Elektron pochta:


Short biography ...





Consolidated information and analytical department for strategic planning, methodology and coordination of activities of structural divisions

Head of department – Akramxujayev Saloxiddinxo`ja Marifxo‘ja o‘g‘li

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 1122 ) 

E-mail: S.Akramxujayev@uznature.uz








Department of information analysis and strategic planning 


Head of department – Abdullayeva Zarrina Azamovna

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 

E-mail: s.begiev@eco.gov.uz








Department of Environmental Monitoring, Hydrometeorology, Climate Change and Combating Desertification

Head of department – Haytboyev Voxidjon Tumanboyevich

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 4444)






Department of Atmospheric Air Protection

Head of department – Kholkhujaev Bakhromjon

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 7070)

E-mail: atmosphere@uznature.uz




Department of water, land policy and policy protection

Head of department  – Аbdumajid Xolmurodov

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 1004)

E-mail: ersuv@uznature.uz






Department of Biodiversity Conservation

Head of department – Sadikov Abdurashid

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 1234)

E-mail: a.sadikov@uznature.uz





Department of protected natural areas

Head of department – Vacancy

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 1060)







Waste Management Policy Setting Office

Head of department – Vacancy
Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 1071) 







Inspection of environmental protection (ecopolis)

Head of Inspection – Vacance

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 7007)









Department of introduction of information and communication technologies and maintenance of cadastre

Head of Inspection – Xurramov Farrux Numonovich

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 1061)

E-mail: F.Xurramov@uznature.uz






Назорат ва ижро интизоми ҳамда мурожаатларни кўриб чиқиш бўлими

Head of department – Fakhriddin Khusainov

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 5000)








Financial and economic department

Head of department – Mamasoliev Xurshid

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 1111)

E-mail: bux@uznature.uz







Department of international cooperation and grant attraction

Head of department – Talipov Jahongir

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 7010)

E-mail: international.uznature@gmail.com





Savings management service

Head of department – Idrisxodjayev Rustam Ergashevich

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 1016)


E-mail: fond@uznature.uz




Legal Enforcement and Regulatory Impact Assessment Unit

Head of department – Makhliyo Karimova

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 8844)

E-mail: m.karimova@eco.gov.uz








Department management personnel


Head of department –  Barno Kazakbaeva

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 1021)







Anti-Corruption and Internal Audit Department

Boʼlim boshligʼi - Urunov Baxodir Ibatovich

Telefon: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add.. 1028)

Elektron pochta: B.Urunov@uznature.uz




Office manager

Head of department  – Takhir Khayrullaevich

Telephone: (+998) 71 207 07 70 (add. 3333)

E-mail: t.xamidullaev@eco.gov.uz