- News
- About Ministry
- Fundamentals of legal activity
- Functions and duties of the committee
- History of the Committee
- Administration
- Committee structure
- Announcements and tenders
- Youth policy
- Vacancies
- Performance Indicators
- Public Council
- Board of Committee
- International Relations
- E-government
- Spirituality and Education
- Anti-Corruption
- Green University
- Activity
- Documents
- Open data
- Open information on openness of the activity
- Open information about budget
- General open information
- Persons responsible for posting Public Information
- On the implementation of the State Program
- Conclusions of the given environmental expertise
- Public hearing
- Green gardens
- Work carried out by the internal audit department
- Information Service
- Services
- Contacts
- COP14

Practical activities carried out
Regulatory legal acts
Means of communication to report the fact of corruption or conflict of interest
Road map and measures
Sodir etil(ayot)gan korrupsiya fakti toʼgʼrisida xabar berish
Узбекистон Республикаси Экология ва атроф-мухитни мухофаза килиш давлат кумитасида 2022 йил учун коррупцияга карши курашиш йуналишида амалга оширилган ишлар хакида МАЪЛУМОТ
O'zbekiston Respublikasi Ekologiya va atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish davlat qo mitasi, tizim tashkilotlari va hududiy bo linmalarning korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish DASTURINING BAJARILISHI