There is such a legend: once Cypress, a beautiful young man whom Apollo was courting, accidentally wounded and killed his friend, a red deer. The cypress is so deeply saddened by what happened that it eventually asks the Olympian gods to turn it into a tree of sorrow to mourn its friend forever... While it is devastated. This red deer is called "Hangul" or Bukhara deer. Hangul branches reach 125 cm in length and have up to 14 branches. It is also called the “Royal Flower” because of its beautiful branches.
There are only about 1,400 deer left in the world. In 1981-82, 24 deer were brought to the Badai-Togai Nature Reserve. Today, the reserve and neighboring gardens are home to 582 deer, that is, a third of all deer in the world. Several dozen deer have been preserved in the Zarafshan Nature Reserve. Hangeul is also found in the Tiger Gorge in Tajikistan. That is why it is kept in many zoos around the world.