A car-free day will take place on the fourth Wednesday of each month
From now on the fourth Wednesday of every month, a Car-free Day will be held in Tashkent. This initiative is mandated by the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan No. 37, dated February 21 of this year.
The main purpose of popularizing driving without a car is, first of all, to promote a healthy lifestyle, as well as to protect the environment from harmful gases emitted by cars, reduce car traffic in large cities, attract public attention to the development of the public transport system, and protect the environment, emphasizing that this is a human civic duty.
"World Carfree Day" is held annually on September 22 in more than 2,000 cities in 50 countries around the world, including the capitals and major cities of the European Union, Japan, Brazil, and Canada. At the same time, the "Day without a Car" actions are regularly organized in the capitals of countries such as France (Paris), Indonesia (Jakarta), and Rwanda (Kigali).
In Tashkent, the number of cars passing through the city during one day will be reduced by 200 thousand (22-25%) due to the use of public transport by managers and employees of government agencies. As a result, harmful emissions from cars will be reduced by 22-25% (an average of 580 tons), and traffic jams in the city will be reduced.
The heads and other employees of all republican and regional executive authorities located in Tashkent will set an example by coming to work by public transport. Including the leadership and employees of the Ministry of Ecology.
In 2024, these days fall on April 24, May 22, June 26, July 24, August 28, September 25, October 23, November 27 and December 25.
Today, several works are being carried out on the widespread introduction of environmentally friendly public transport—electric buses—and the launch of new metro lines. Bike paths are also being built and put into operation. World experience shows that it is possible to solve the problem of automobile traffic in a city only through the development of public transport.
Joining the public project "A Day without a Car" is a significant step towards preserving the environment. Taking this opportunity, we encourage all our compatriots to take an active part in this project.